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Location                 : Sangbaykha, Haa
Capacity                  : 18 MW
Project scheme     : Run-of-the-river
Design energy        : 76.57 MU
Project cost            : Nu. 2,095 million
Project schedule  : 2022 – 2024

Suchhu small hydropower project is a pure run-off the river scheme planned across Suchhu which is a tributary of Amochhu. The project is located in Sangbaykha Gewog in Haa Dzongkhag with its intake located about 1 km walk from Shaba village and powerhouse located below Tsanglingna at about 1 km upstream of Suchhu and Sheychhu confluence.

Suchhu joins Sheychhu at elevation of 897masl and the combined river joins Amochhu at an elevation of about 835 masl. The catchment area at the intake is 90 which is a complete rainfed catchment.
