Chhukha drupchen

The annual Chhukha drupchen and baza Guru dungdrup commenced at CHP on April 28, 2023. His Holiness Dudjom Yangsi Rinpoche Tenzin Yeshe Dorje along with Lam Neten of Chhukha dzongkhag and Lam of Chhukha Zangdogpelri presided over the rituals.

The 15-day drupchen began with Sidhog bumdrup at Sidhog chorten, followed by the drupchen and kanjur recitation at Zangdogpelri and tshokhor ritual at Guru Zhungwa Zhi. The drupchen ended with hundreds of devotees from the nearby communities receiving blessings from His Holiness. The event is annually conducted for the peace and prosperity of the country and wellbeing of all the sentient beings.
